Explore Partnership is a passionate North West based community interest company that exists to help vulnerable and disadvantaged children and families turn things around. Many of our clients are experiencing the adverse effects of poverty, including, worklessness, choices to heat or eat, mental and physical health issues, lack of positive opportunities, low aspirations, and the numbers are increasing. 

We believe everyone deserves the best start in life, this includes our clients, who need positive support to grow well, skills to live a more resilient life and have the confidence to gain employment. 

Our Vision – We want everyone to live a life free from poverty and hardship, with the opportunity for a positive future.

Our Mission – Support and empower children and families to transform their lives, raise aspirations and fulfil their potential.

Our aims are:

  • Promotion of more equal, respectful relationships between people with experience of poverty; their families, friends and supporters; and practitioners in health, social care and community organisations
  • Provide positive activities and events for children and families  
  • Provide direct high quality appropriate support
  • Provide individual person-centred development 
  • Raise awareness of poverty and hardship across the north west  
  • Maintain and develop effective sustainable partnerships with local agencies 
  • Active opposition to stigma and discrimination around hardship